Faster Alerts
Live Updates
Instant Setup
Integrations Available
NFPA Compliant
Redundant Alerting
Pager Alternative
Phone Call Option
Two-Way Available
Live AVL
NFRIS Integration
Messaging Integration
Mobile Friendly
Custom Designs w/Drag and Drop Editing
Chief Tone Alert bridges the gap between fire pager dispatching and smartphone notifications.
Increase your staffing by knowing who is responding and where they are with Chief Responders.
Chief Scheduling is a complete staffing, scheduling and management solution built into the Chief Platform.
Chief Dashboard increases visibility with real time incident response information, traffic cams, weather, and more.
Manage door operations, display apparatus statuses, deactivate appliances, regulate exit lighting, operate bay doors, and activate traffic signals, allowing responders to focus solely on the incident at hand.
Enable adjustable interior volume levels, ensuring lower levels during nocturnal hours and increased volume during daylight. Additionally, speaker zones like outdoor speakers can be automatically activated or deactivated at specific times.
Based on unit/incident, individual sleeping quarters, or all areas, allowing undisturbed rest for those not required to respond immediately, while alerting those needed for action.
Illuminates sleeping quarters, bunk areas, and exit pathways, enabling first responders to swiftly navigate without losing crucial seconds adjusting to glaring lights and preserving their night vision.
Wake up sleeping firefighters without the jarring impact of sudden loud tones that can induce acute stress.
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